This page is dedicated to helping you find an idea for your pieces. Remember you need to perform three contrasting monologues to successfully pass this unit.

This page will direct you in means of choosing your monologue, direction, style and interpretation and delivery.

for more information on this unit go to;

Forming ideas and Delivery/Log Books

This page is to assist you in forming ideas for a monologue.
It should suggest examples, point you in the direction of appropriate research and help assist with the development of your logbooks.

Within your logbooks you will have to show elements of;

1.Background research into monologues as a term.
2. Reserch into numerous monologues,ways of poerforming etc
BEFORE you choose the one you will be Performing.
3. Once you have chosen each of your pieces you must look into character
 developments and theoretical elements of theatre as a whole.
(for inner emotion and cirumstance research Stanislavski).
4. The Rehearsal process.
5.The performance.
6. Self Evaluation.